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Kurssystem: Visning av bruttopriser for rollen kursleder


All course leaders who are able to set up/see course products on My Page, now will not need to calculate brutto prices (price incl. MVA) on their own. Instead, the system will show brutto prices automatically, both for main, optional products and special prices. How to use:

  • Go on My Page as a course leader with proper rights to see the “Products and prices” part of the course card.

  • Open the “Products and prices” tab, and scroll down to the “Products” table.

  • Create a new product line or look through those that are already created – a new column “Brutto price” is added to the table. It shows up the price of the product including MVA.

Choo i Skyen blir oppdatert hver tredje uke med rettelser og nye funksjoner. Dette er en av flere nye funksjoner i medlemssystemet og kurs & konferansesystemet. Hele Choo i Skyen er på norsk.

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