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Kursbevis: Mulighet for å legge til egne logoer


Course leaders can select up to 5 optional logos. This option will be available only to those organizations, which have demanded to enable the new format of the course certificate.

How to use:

  1. Go to My Page as a Course Admin

  2. Open a course card, click on the “Activities” tab and navigate to the “Certificate” block

  3. Click on the slot for the picture and choose a picture in the gallery

  4. After the picture was set, you can delete it by clicking on the delete icon, or you can change the order of pictures(if you’ve set a few logos) by dragging the picture to the left or right.

Choo i Skyen blir oppdatert hver tredje uke med rettelser og nye funksjoner. Dette er en av flere nye funksjoner i medlemssystemet og kurs & konferansesystemet. Hele Choo i Skyen er på norsk.

Se flere oppdateringer på


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